Floating through Lake Havasu

If you are local to the coast of Southern California especially San Diego County you know all to well about June gloom. We were in much need of some Vitamin D after a few weeks of overcast weather, so we loaded the car and hit the road for Arizona. It was our first time visiting Lake Havasu and man were we blown away! To say it was gorgeous was an understatement. It was a nice time for R&R with the girls before a busy wedding week back home in Encinitas and Temecula Wine Country.

What a trip. The first of many more!

We are Andy and Brittney. We are San Diego wedding photographers who love to capture life’s greatest moments. We live for travelling to distant places and meeting new people who share the same energy and passion for life. our objective in life is pretty simple: live to create endless memories, and wedding photography definitely allows us to do just that! Sometimes in life, it can be flat out hard to meet new people and is why we love engagement photography so much. Many of our clients have become lifelong friends with engagement shoots often leading to dinner dates and drinks. If you are eager to get out and explore and take photos in distant places, definitely hit us up! Hope to meet soon!

 Thinking of places for engagement or wedding photos? We would love to be a part in capturing photos for you in places like this. Arizona has some of the most beautiful scenery for engagement photos and we would be stoked to share some of them with you! Whether you are out of state and looking for a destination wedding photographer or looking for a local engagement photographer we are up for the adventure. If you have any ideas or places that interest you, we would love to start brainstorming. Whether you are based here in San Diego and looking for San Diego beach wedding photographers or located in the desert of Arizona or Nevada and looking for an adventurous photographer to create magic in your element we are open to new, inspiring locations that tell your story. It’s been a bit since we hit the road and felt so good to get back out, it reminded us of one of our earlier trips out to Utah after w blizzard in the Sierras. As always, thanks for stopping by our destination wedding blog, we hope to connect soon!